3,842 research outputs found

    Identification of amino acid residues of the NR2A subunit that control glutamate potency in recombinant NR1/NR2A NMDA receptors

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    The NMDA type of ligand-gated glutamate receptor requires the presence of both glutamate and glycine for gating. These receptors are hetero-oligomers of NR1 and NR2 subunits. Previously it was thought that the binding sites for glycine and glutamate were formed by residues on the NR1 subunit. Indeed, it has been shown that the effects of glycine are controlled by residues on the NR1 subunit, and a “Venus flytrap” model for the glycine binding site has been suggested by analogy with bacterial periplasmic amino acid binding proteins. By analysis of 10 mutant NMDA receptors, we now show that residues on the NR2A subunit control glutamate potency in recombinant NR1/NR2A receptors, without affecting glycine potency. Furthermore, we provide evidence that, at least for some mutated residues, the reduced potency of glutamate cannot be explained by alteration of gating but has to be caused primarily by impairing the binding of the agonist to the resting state of the receptor. One NR2A mutant, NR2A(T671A), had anEC50for glutamate 1000-fold greater than wild type and a 255-fold reduced affinity for APV, yet it had single-channel openings very similar to those of wild type. Therefore we propose that the glutamate binding site is located on NR2 subunits and (taking our data together with previous work) is not on the NR1 subunit. Our data further imply that each NMDA receptor subunit possesses a binding site for an agonist (glutamate or glycine).</jats:p

    Magic wavelengths for the 5s18s5s-18s transition in rubidium

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    Magic wavelengths, for which there is no differential ac Stark shift for the ground and excited state of the atom, allow trapping of excited Rydberg atoms without broadening the optical transition. This is an important tool for implementing quantum gates and other quantum information protocols with Rydberg atoms, and reliable theoretical methods to find such magic wavelengths are thus extremely useful. We use a high-precision all-order method to calculate magic wavelengths for the 5s18s5s-18s transition of rubidium, and compare the calculation to experiment by measuring the light shift for atoms held in an optical dipole trap at a range of wavelengths near a calculated magic value

    Solidity of viscous liquids. IV. Density fluctuations

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    This paper is the fourth in a series exploring the physical consequences of the solidity of highly viscous liquids. It is argued that the two basic characteristics of a flow event (a jump between two energy minima in configuration space) are the local density change and the sum of all particle displacements. Based on this it is proposed that density fluctuations are described by a time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation with rates in k-space of the form Γ0+Dk2\Gamma_0+Dk^2 with DΓ0a2D\gg\Gamma_0a^2 where aa is the average intermolecular distance. The inequality expresses a long-wavelength dominance of the dynamics which implies that the Hamiltonian (free energy) may be taken to be ultra local. As an illustration of the theory the case with the simplest non-trivial Hamiltonian is solved to second order in the Gaussian approximation, where it predicts an asymmetric frequency dependence of the isothermal bulk modulus with Debye behavior at low frequencies and an ω1/2\omega^{-1/2} decay of the loss at high frequencies. Finally, a general formalism for the description of viscous liquid dynamics, which supplements the density dynamics by including stress fields, a potential energy field, and molecular orientational fields, is proposed

    Solidity of Viscous Liquids

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    Recent NMR experiments on supercooled toluene and glycerol by Hinze and Bohmer show that small rotation angles dominate with only few large molecular rotations. These results are here interpreted by assuming that viscous liquids are solid-like on short length scales. A characteristic length, the "solidity length", separates solid-like behavior from liquid-like behavior.Comment: Plain RevTex file, no figure

    Extracolonic features of familial adenomatous polyposis in patients with sporadic colorectal cancer.

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    We have investigated the occurrence of attenuated extracolonic manifestations (AEMs) of familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) in patients with non-polyposis colorectal cancer. In a prospective case-control study, we observed that significantly more colorectal cancer patients exhibited AEM than did age and sex-matched controls (19.5% vs 7.5%, P < 0.004). However patients with AEMs do not have occult FAP, as we found no heterozygous adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene mutations despite extensive analysis of constitutional DNA. Genome-wide DNA replication errors (RERs) occur in a proportion of colorectal cancers, particularly right-sided lesions and in almost all tumours from hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) patients. As AEMs have been reported in familial colon cancer cases, we investigated the relationship of AEMs to tumour RER phenotype. There was indeed an excess of AEMs in patients with right-sided tumours (30.2% of 53 patients vs 14.7% of 116 patients, P < 0.03) and in those with RER tumours (3 out of 12 patients with RER tumours vs none out of 21 patients with non-RER tumours, P < 0.05). Two patients with AEM were from HNPCC families compared with none of those without AEM (P < 0.05). The association of AEMs with colorectal cancer is intriguing, and we speculate that it may be a manifestation of mutational mosaicism of the APC gene, perhaps associated with a constitutional defect in DNA mismatch pair

    Landscape equivalent of the shoving model

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    It is shown that the shoving model expression for the average relaxation time of viscous liquids follows largely from a classical "landscape" estimation of barrier heights from curvature at energy minima. The activation energy involves both instantaneous bulk and shear moduli, but the bulk modulus contributes less than 8% to the temperature dependence of the activation energy. This reflects the fact that the physics of the two models are closely related.Comment: 4 page